Monday, August 04, 2008

Come On Darkness

Sully's been yammering for a few days bout seeing the stars when it's dark enough. That's one thing I miss about down home, how fucking dark it gets without all the artificial lighting like we have here in NYC. The kind of dark where it's possible to have no idea someone is standing five feet in front of you. Seeing taillights across the river slowly move along a bridge a few miles away. Such darkness has always been comforting to me, and I think I get depressed sometimes being in the big city where there's never absolute darkness - that omnipresent pink hue of light drives me fucking bananas. It's like that awful feeling as a kid of going to bed when it's still light outside.

1 comment:

Tricia said...

there's a group round here that lobbies for nyc to turn off lights at night. light pollution, ruining it for Connecticut too.