Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Earmarks, Schmearmarks

So yet another one of the McCain/Palin Leaning Tower of Lies is his asserting that she asked for, get this, ZERO DOLLARS as earmarks while she was governor.

You know, McCain is from the party that was once successful at painting John Kerry as a draft-dodger; spending the war in Canada inventing homosexuality and, worse, the LA Clippers. Why would McCain feel compelled to just flat-out lie, from about $750M all the way down to $0.00? Are you telling me they couldn’t take about 15 minutes to figure out a way to explain these earmarks at all? No thanks, don’t bother, just flat-out lie and move on. (Cause, as I’ve pounded ad nauseum, there’s no WAY anybody will ever have the 14 seconds it takes to research the facts and find out the truth.)

I’ve noticed “earmarks” have become this election's “oh my fucking god, no!” buzzword. Of course the granddaddy of them all is “taxes.” No taxes for ANY reason, ever!

“We gotta raise your taxes 1% this year.”
“NO! NO!”
"The tax will be used to feed and clothe and house every man woman and child in the country."
“They will be collected by a completely housed and randy Tara Reid in a bikini.”

This time, when we hear the word "earmark" we're supposed to snap in line, barking NO! NO!! NO!!"

I’m gonna be a slightly willfully naïve here…theoretically, wouldn’t someone getting about three quarters of a billion dollars for her state be a good thing in the eyes of the people in that state? Now, someone in Idaho might get bent about Alaska getting so much, but that’s not the governor of Alaska’s concern, is it? Get out your Hello Kitty! stationary and send a letter off to YOUR governor, telling him to get on the horn for some bread. If the federal government is dumb enough to fork over that much dough, under ANY snarky political circumstances, don’t you kinda hafta tip your that to that state? What if the President came on tv and announced that Australia was giving the USA the national equivalent, $37.5B? Just to take, don’t worry bout paying it back. And then if he did it again the next year. Theoretically, is that a bad thing - would you be upset if you were given your cut? Really? And is that something that you feel you would have to completely LIE ABOUT on national tv?

But no no, we are told that Palin asked for ZERO earmarks, and then is gonna STEAMROLL!!! Washington by eliminating earmarks nation-wide.

Hey, let’s be real. Earmarks aren’t going anywhere, no matter who gets in the White House. For some reason earmarks are this season’s gays; ie a loooooootta talk about them rolling up to the election…but about 2 years in, you’re left thinking gee, they never DID put all the gays on the moon, did they?

Yes, a lot of earmarks (most?) are complete bullshit. Thank you, genius. But the bigger point is that this is yet another instance of McPalinstan automatically defaulting to "completely lie with no thought or reason at all" that should be troubling. AGAIN.

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