Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Palin, You're an Idiot

From the Washington Post:

Palin then went on to blame Katie Couric's questions for her "less-than-successful interview with kinda mainstream media."

This war on the "mainstream media" Palin is pretending to wage is starting to annoy me. First of all, I would assume that any media with access to a vice presidential candidate therein by definition becomes a part of the "mainstream." And she certainly doesn't mind the "mainstream" cameras at her pep rallies spreading her "message" around the country. And secondly, if not the "mainstream" media, exactly which media would she rather be talking to? Interviewed by John Sinclair in High Times? Would she rather give her speeches through Facebook, or through hidden messages found only in German scat porn? What the fuck is she even talking about?

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