Saturday, October 18, 2008

Tori! Tori! Tori!

Anyone who knows me knows that I've had an almost 20-year crush on tori Spelling; she's always been a Mrs. Xmastime. Everybody has always thought me to be out of my mind - especially during those years when they insisted on making her hair look like a helmet. Which were tough for me, indeed. In over 15 years, I have never met another male who agreed with my amour for Tori, but I have stood by her, defending her slot on my all-time charts.

But. Even I cannot defend the two episodes of BH 90210 I just watched this morning ... where in CONSECUTIVE EPISODES Donna is the subject of a crazed stalker. Okay okay; one time, you can write off to well, by then they had done 200 episodes, they were running out of shit to write about so why not give Donna a stalker. Very by the book, restraining order, dude ends up in jail stuff.

But then, IN THE VERY NEXT EPISODE they decide to kick things up a notch. This one ends with her Stalker du Jour bringing in a gun and holding the campus tv station hostage while pointing a gun to Donna's head, making her say on camera that she "loves" him.

Hmm. Highly implausible.

But then comes my favorite part: the cops' big plan is to sweat the guy out by turning off the air conditioning in the studio. What? How John McClain! And here we go, about 2 minutes later...everyone is soaked in sweat, the dude is starting to slur his words and move slowly, as if he's hallucinating. All from turning off the a/c. Are these people polar bears? I'm sorry, is this tv studio located on the sun? Oh that's right, they're in California. I guess they're just not used to warm weather.

Donna, I'm sorry, I love you; but even I can't get behind having TWO stalkers back to back going to jail for you. Camon.

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