Friday, October 17, 2008

What's the Matter with Xmastime?

"For a few years here I've been screaming to people that you know, you are closer to ending up on the street than you are to becoming some uber-millionaire a la Bush etc. I think there's a LOT of voters that see someone like Bush/McCain, dudes that are super-rich, and they think that you know what, if I keep voting for them, I'll somehow end up like them! Which is the Babe Ruth of mirages...If enough people realized how close they were to being thrown out into the street as opposed to being heirs to some unattainable throne, we might be in better shape than we are now." - XMASTIME, 9/23/08

I missed it til Bill Maher alluded to it tonight, but Joe the Plumber is an almost perfect example of what I've been bitching about for years; these people that vote based on "maybe someday I'll be rich too!" and completely fuck themselves over while giving more and more power to the life lottery winners they keep fantasizing about being.

Maybe the absurdity of this kind of thinking will sink in now that it has it's own mascot.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

As is I'm sure Xmastime would concur, Aaron Sorkin said it best:

Bartlet : "It doesn't matter if most voters don't benefit, they all believe that someday they will. That's the problem with the American Dream, it makes everyone concerned for the day they're gonna be rich."