Sunday, November 30, 2008


Sometimes I look at great men of the recent past - historical, great figures, and I am envious...I think wow, what a life so and so led, and now their job is complete; they're just sitting back now enjoying the fruits of their great success, the lauds that come their way every day. There is nothing they can do that will mar their legacies as great men. Awesome. Yes, they're close to death, but they lived their lives right.

But right now I just thought of something. I thought of someone like John Wooden. The absurd heights of success he reached, so high they will not be duplicated (or even close.) All while receiving praise worthy only of a saint. His life is one that will live forever. But then I ask myself...would he trade it all away in a heartbeat to be 36 years old again?

Wouldn't he?

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