Saturday, November 15, 2008

Prop 8

A coupla months ago HERE I asked readers to send in instances where allowing gays to marry has destroyed their own marriage. I'm still waiting. Of course I'm still waiting fro a lady to write in to be on the Mrs. Xmastime Tour, but hey. I also talked about it HERE:
Then as a last gasp you get some chutterfuck yammering that the Bible says homos can't get married. I'll make a deal with you: if you can bring me a snake that talks, I'll dedicate my life to making sure boys can't kiss each other.

I like all the rallies going on around the country today, I like that they all seem calm and rational and pulse with a sense of "this is going to happen because it's right, we do not doubt this at all." Keep up the fight. It's like I've said all along: I wish all dudes were gay and married - more chicks for me!!!!

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