Wednesday, December 31, 2008


The life expectancy for an African American male is 70 years. And that's if he's born TODAY. So I'm wondering why Blago has chosen to appoint a 71 year-old black man who ALREADY HAS HIS GRAVE ALL SET TO MOVE INTO to succeed Obama. Anybody else see this as odd? Is this some tactic he thinks will get him off the hook - going ahead and choosing Obama's successor before he gets the boot is like in the NFL when a team hurriedly tries to get off another play so the previous one can't be reviewed, so public interest in getting rid of him wanes and eventually disappears? And banking that the odds are high that Burris will die soon, therein letting Blaggo pick who he REALLY can get to pony up big bucks for it wants, that time unobstructed and under the radar? Hmm.

Of course, that's all wild conjecture. But stranger things have been thought of. No?

"For the last fucking time - no, I did NOT write Cujo!!!"

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