Monday, January 26, 2009


Mamalizza over at Mamalizza is worried that there will be no GrizzaDay in 2013, thanks to yet another show wasting our time about Nostradamus. Over the past few years, the endless stream of shows on the History Channel about this bullshit along with how cheap the producers know it is to thrill us has rankled me.

So this jagoff said a bunch of things hundreds of years ago that some people think he's gotten right. So what? He's gotten just as many wrong; and even the ones that are "right" are usually in dispute.

The fact is, there were tons of guys back then who had nothing to do but sit around and think of shit like this. Whereas today I might spend my time jerking off to a Photoshop-ed picture of Jessica Simpson's titties battered and deep-fried in a bucket, the equivalent centuries ago was to sit around and dream up fantastical shit about the future. So they say that Nostradamus is The King of this shit, let's say he got 500 things "right." Well, I guess there's some guy that got 499 things right. And 498. And on and on. So maybe Nosy got ONE more thing seen as right; he's some sort of seer? Please.

Also as for this Dec 12, 2012 nonsense - even if you believe he got a bunch of stuff right (cause you're an idiot), do you then hafta believe he got EVERYthing right? What if the guy that got 499 things right is the one who nailed the date the world ends, and it's June 4, 3229? Or, what if there's some guy who got a million things wrong, but nailed the date somehow? There are 365,000 days in a millinium, so your odds of randomly nailing a date for any reason is markedly better than winning the lottery. Which people do several times a year (or more.)

This 12/21/2012 nonsense is getting the pub cause it's so close, meaning obviously someone can make some $$$ ratcheting up the frightening worry about it. The funny thing about people who believe in a sudden end of the world is that as horrified as they are about dying et al, they're even MORE offended to think that the world would come to a final, dramatic end without them. As if they weren't invited to the ultimate party. Chagrined! No "true believer" when asked when the end of the world will come ever says "oh, millions of years from now;" they always say "oh yeah, April!!!!"

Stupid shit like falling for this Nostradamus crap makes us feel like we're invited to the party, even if we really know it's not true. And the History Channel should be ashamed of itself for giving time to this crap.

So Mamalizza: be cool! Stay in school! We'll be fine!! :)


mamalizza said...

like i said in my post (skimmer!) i'm more afraid of the believers of said prediction because if they really believe the world's gonna end - why not set off a ninja star bomb at walmart when that bitch who spurned me is working.

Xmastime said...

pack your bags. a goner.

Anonymous said...

sober up otis.

mamalizza said...

yeah, what he said, but kudos on "nostracrapus".

Xmastime said...

aw. our first fight! :)

Xmastime said...

and yes, i knew you meant the other crazy people.

Skimmty Skim Skimmer