Friday, January 09, 2009

Teen WHAT?

I found myself tonight catching a few moments of the new VH1 show Confessions of a Teen Idol. And by "I found myself tonight catching a few moments of the new VH1 show Confessions of a Teen Idol," I of course mean "I consciously decided to not read a book, or do something even remotely constructive towards become a better person or citizen to scratch my balls to Confessions of a Teen Idol."

But what drives me bananas is, look at these guys. Can you quickly name 1/2 of them? After about 20 minutes with some prompting you're like "okay, it's the dude from The Blue Lagoon, the guy from The First Real World and, as it turns out, 6 guys from Baywatch." (Xmas note - I will not recognize the existence of Ray Pruitt. Throw Donna down the steps? Fuck you, asshole.) I mean, even in the world of ex-D List Celebrities, these guys are ass. But the empathetic host is Scott Baio. What? Hey, say what you will about Scott Baio - one hit wonder as an actor, cheesy womanizer, whatever. But you could drop Scott Baio off in Antarctica, and within 90 seconds someone would walk up "heeeey...Chachi!!!"

I never thought I'd ever say this, but I am: Scott Baio is way too classy for this show and deserves better.

1 comment:

Kiko Jones said...

I'd rather stay unknown than have Chachi be my claim to fame. (Actually, I'd rather die.) The dude from The Blue Lagoon's got him beat, there.