Friday, February 20, 2009

Misappropriated Anger, Peut-Etre

While it may be valid to be pissed off to have to bail out people for being dumb, I think portraying these people as "gamblers," as if they're cons who cooked up some scheme to fool the banks into giving them a house, is a bit off base. For one thing, I would think that the very people that are being bailed out were generally people that worked all week, scrambled somewhat to pay their bills and generally had their heads down, trying to grind through their week. I doubt these people had a lot of hours to sit around "scheming" on how to beat the bank. You know who does? Rich people. Just like it always seems like it's the best ballplayers who are juicing, it always seems to be people that are already loaded that try the rip-off schemes, doesn't it?

If I walked into a bank and they asked how much money I had, and if I said $100 and they said heeeeeeey, you can buy Buckingham Palace! What do you think I'd say? "Oh!!...great! I'll take it!!" Not that everyone isn't responsible in this whole thing, but there's a difference between being ignorant and able to be misled, and being someone who gleefully tried to take money out of your precious wallet. And if you’re outraged at what this stupidity and lack of actual intelligence is costing you, you also have to be pissed that the Iraq War actually exists.

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