Saturday, February 28, 2009

Some of it Was Fun

I'm reading Some of it Was Fun, by former US Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach (thanks Opie!) Katzenbach is one of those guys that was in the thick of everything you read about in the 60's, be it civil rights or freeing Cuban prisoners after the mangled Bay of Pigs or writing Penny Lane (one of these is not true.) Fascinating.

One thing I REALLY suck at is remembering people's names. I can remember people's birthdays, but not their names. And this includes reading - I'll be 50 pages in, and find myself thinking "...Ethan...Ethan Frome; which one the fuck is he?" although I'll remember everything else, and will quickly re-connect everything after a few seconds.

So this morning as I was walking around ("doing my thang"), and I was thinking about shit in the book, and I realized I kept referring to the author as Wurzelbacher. Wurzelbacher did this, Wurzelbacher did that, etc etc. Then I'm like hold up...the guy's name isn't fucking Wurzelbacher...what is it...(brain frying)...what the fuck's his name...and where the fuck did I get Wurzelbacher from? Wurzelbacher? Who the fuck is Wurzelbacher?

Then it hit me. Of course. Grrrrrrrrrrr.

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