Friday, May 01, 2009

Fambly Hops

I've mentioned somewhere on this blog before how Brothatime! is more like my Dad, in how he defaults more towards being serious than silly in any way; wherein I more resemble my mother - blathering away 24/7, repeating myself over and over. And over.

The same may be true in how we drink - we didn't have a pot to piss in growing up, but somewhere along the line my Dad decided he wanted to be a bit of a wine connoisseur. I don't know where these wines came from, probably Safeway, but at every Sunday dinner my Dad would make a big production with the wine: checking the wine in the light, passing the cork around to be smelled, tasting the wine etc etc. The best part was after the meal, as it was my job to walk over to the hutch and come back to the table both with the post-dinner Port AND my Dad's "wine journal." As he'd be thoughtfully writing his take on the latest wine he would ask my mother for her own opinion, to which he would look up and see her merely shaking her empty glass around at him as in "whatever, just fill it up again jackass." Sighly sadly and shaking his head, he would re-fill her glass.

Meanwhile, Brothatime! has become a bit of a Beer Nerd. He's got an acre of hops growing on his land, and he's always got two different kinds of homemade brew in the kegarator in the garage. Whenever I'm down he's excited to have me taste his latest of each batch, and inevitably he'll ask which one I like better. Meanwhile, I have no idea they were even different beers in the first place; and there I am, shaking my empty glass around at him as in "whatever, just fill it up again jackass."

Sorry, Brothatime! Keep it coming, tho! :)

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