Sunday, May 17, 2009

Screamo the Clown?

I went to a baptism this morning, and afterwards found myself in the company of some high school kids. As old as I felt when they mentioned "screamo" and I had no idea what they were talking about, I certainly did not help my "I'm hip, daddy-o!" cred by naively asking if that was the name of a popular clown. Hmm. As if even back in my day we even were hypnotized by the whacky, super-cool fun-ness of FAMOUS clowns!!! What an idiot.

Anyway, lemme ask you it possible for a 36 year-old man to have a relationship with a 17 year old girl based on her grades? Like "Your Honor, she has all A's this quarter; SURELY she's mature beyond her years and is well within my legal bounds?" Right? She gets a B, we hafta not text for 2 weeks? Otherwise, all A's = not statutory rape? Maybe? Yes? No?

Good god. This is what's it's come to. Hoping minors have the grades to be able to hold hands in public with me. I think I've finally crossed my own personal Ribikscube. Unreal.

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