Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A Modest Proposal

We are now in Year 6 of a war that has cost us thousands of lives and $669B (and counting) that nobody really gives a shit about other than those directly participating. Meanwhile, there is no collective effort as a whole from the entire country like there was from 1941-1945. Of course when it's handy for them politically, politicians love to talk about the Iraq War and the nobility of the troops they pretend to shed a tear over as if they're fighting World War II again. But we all know it's not so.

Does anybody really know WHY we're fighting this war? I doubt it. It seems to me that whenever the country as a whole isn't really sure WHY we're fighting a war, we wander our way into losing it. We're wasting lives and a shitload of money, and most people have no idea why.

MODEST PROPOSAL: Every day, the Pentagon has one hour to ask random people why we're in Iraq. If within that hour 10 people get the answer correct, or even PARTLY correct, we can stay in the war. The day that the number 10 cannot be achieved, we pull up stakes and get the hell outta there.


Gina said...

yeah... seems pretty stupit to be fighting these peeeple who are ALWAYS gonna wanna kill us in a place where none of 'em even live


Nerdhappy said...

There are people who fear.

There are people who are machiavellian (there's no way I'm gonna even try to spell that correctly right now).

And that's fine. Honest to God, that's fine with me. When people say that they think we are under attack and we need to defend ourselves against some sort of potential onslaught, that is a logical belief to defend.

But when those people say that and simultaneously say that they are Christian and that they follow Jesus... then those people need to take an honest look at the black smoke pouring out of their mouths.

Because if you believe in war, then you are not a Christian. If you believe in killing innocent people to protect some sort of ideal, then you have no idea what Jesus was (supposedly) about.

And to re-iterate, there might be some realistic merit to war, and this can surely be debated. But in this country, there is a marked congruence between those who say they want to fight for our peace and those who say they believe in the teachings of Jesus, and that is the one thing that drives me bananas.

(posting, drunk, without re-reading!)

Unknown said...

Nerdhappy drunj is still more cogent than any xtian crusader after three adderalls and a berlitz course in symbolic logic.

Xmastime said...

im just happy when its someone else thats drunk and not me ;)