Saturday, August 22, 2009

1985 Fucking Ruled

I've yammered on this blog many times about one of the great music scenes of my youth, the bands that came out of James Madison University in the mid-80s - in particular, three bands: DT & the Shakes, The Rational Herdsmen and The Undecided. All 3 bands released their debut albums in 1985, and rumor has it that to celebrate those records' Silver Anniversary, there will be a reunion show in Charlottesville, VA in Summer of 2010; ex-band members coming from all corners of the globe to shake off the dust and rock the old hits one last time. And GodIHateYourBand is planning on blowing up the event as much as possible, including having our own bands record versions of various songs from those records, as well as having the old catalog available for sale online at Reel to Reel Records. I'm thrilled, I'm excited, I can't fucking wait. And will keep you posted.

Of course, who's to say if this reunion will actually happen - GIHYB quickly runs out of steam when it comes to following through on things. And I'm lazy too; I'll bitch and moan in the beginning but will quickly wander off back into things like peeling daisies or watching The Fresh Prince reruns. I certainly HOPE this happens, and will do my best to blather about it here as much as possible. Luckily, I already have on some of my brunches, so enjoy!

No Sand
– The Rational Herdsmen
From the mid-80’s James Madison University scene that also gave us DT & the Shakes and the Undecided. This whole ep is off the charts great, even if it sounds like it was recorded inside a pencil sharpener on a sheet of metal inside another pencil sharpener. Of course, I mean that in a good way.

Sand to Bury Our Heads - Rational Herdsmen

Broken Pieces – The Undecided
I’ve yammered here several times about the JMU mid-80’s music scene I’m still in love with, and while The Undecided’s full-length debut doesn’t stack up with DT and the Shakes or Rational Herdsmen’s eps of the same year, this cut is my desert island cut out of them all. Chopping rhythm, cool story, chorus that’s almost indecipherable. Check, check, check – wrap me up in a blanket filled with last night’s Colt 45 and a “mature” woman who drinks battery acid, and I’m home.

broken pieces.mp3 -

Tell Me It's Not the Same - DT & the Shakes
I think this is the first track from DT & the Shakes I’ve played here, from the Glory Days JMU mid-80’s run I’ve blown up here before (Rational Herdsmen, The Undecided - tho DT was the best of them all.) From the BWWCAUTR* files. And of course like so many others, this song was left off of an album…on which it would’ve been the best song. I’d say such thinking is baffling, but then I only came up with the “fuck it, just put the potato chips ON the burger” idea about 5 years before Bobby Flay did, so what the fuck could I possibly know?

Tell Me Its Not the Same - DT & the Shakes


Song Like Diane – The Burnt Ernies
The Burnt Ernies, like the Undecided et al, came out of Harrisonburg/Charlottesville, but I believe a few years after the magical year of 1985. One connection if that their album was produced by Will Croxton, BWHUTAR**. Influenced greatly by Husker Du, I assume the song is a reference to Diane from the HD record Metal Circus. Well, or Diane Sawyer,; what the fuck do I know. Mostly though, “Burnt Ernies” sounds like one of those stupid made-up band names on shows like My So-Called Life, a silly name that lends itself instantly to “band that sucks, but makes me cool cause I’m the only person that knows them.” Ugh.

ps - would run over Angela on Brian's bike to get up in her mother's tongety-tongs. Or whats her name, her drunk friend. Or hell, the nerdy girl. Sorry Angela! You get "Honorable Mention", along with the gay black guy and sweater-vest teacher guy.
Song Like Diane - Burnt Ernies

Fellow Westerberg worshippers from Charlottesville, VA…mostly this song has always struck me with the “all you ever wanted, was to to get out of this town.” The small-town boy clarion call. Being from a small town myself, I know that feeling; I remember busting out of Tappahannock, VA when I hit 18 and diving right into…Farmville, VA. Which, it being a college town meant it actually had a bar in town, so it was technically a step up. Upon graduating I finally shed the shackles of small-town life by heading to…Oxford, Mississippi. Hmm. At this rate, but the time I’m 70 I’ll be living in a town the size of Angelina Jolie’s nursery. Big City, Mrs. Ruth Ann indeed.
DonT Be Afraid - BombPop

Blue Moon of Kentucky – Ryan
This is my buddy Ryan and some of his friends (nerds) back when they were in college. I can’t remember who plays what, but the point is he’s getting married in 2 months, so this burst of publicity from me will certainly lead to his last truckload of trim before shipping out to I Will Never Get to Use My Own Bathroom Again, USA.

Blue Moon - Ryan Croxton

1 comment:

murray steaks said...

as i've told you (countless times), the burnt ernies ONLY conection w/ harrisonburg was their bass player was the final member of DT. they were a DC band.