Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Two weeks ago HERE I wrote:
I think to claim Glenn Beck is speaking from his heart and is a racist because of what he said about Obama is giving him way too much credit. We're talking about someone who is paid millions to say ridiculous things to get ratings; we're talking about someone who is a vacuum of real thought. He is depicted as the most extreme of the extreme right, he is SO horrified by Obama he looks like he's about to burst....yet does ANYbody think that if he was offered one more dollar to go on the air and say the exact opposite, he wouldn't? Hell no.

But again, like I said earlier today with Michelle Malkin, my problem isn't really with him. If somebody offered me $10M/year to walk in front of a tv camera and say "Obama's a n---er, I hate him," I'd do it. Why? Because I DON'T think like that, and I know that people understand that $10M is a lot of money. If I REALLY thought like that, I'd be parading in the streets preaching the shit for free.

I'm wondering how many sponsors have pulled out of his show. My guess is so far, none. I'm also wondering what it's going to take for Republicans to finally be embarrassed with the handful of people that are representing them (and, btw, who are NOT being discredited by actual congressmen at al) a la Beck/Rush/Malkin/Coulter and on and on. Oh, your GOP friends will say "oh camon, everyone knows he/she's a whackjob!" but the tv/radio shows still go on every day. The books still sell. And insane messages that nobody actually believes (The Birthers) get spread like wildfire.

Finally, today, we find out that there are at least three companies with enough shame to finally be embarrassed and pull it's money from Beck's show, including Geico:

“On Tuesday, August 4, GEICO instructed its ad buying service to redistribute its inventory of rotational spots on FOX-TV to their other network programs, exclusive of the Glenn Beck program,” said a spokesperson for GEICO Corporate Communications in an email to ColorOfChange.org. “As of August 4, GEICO no longer runs any paid advertising spots during Mr. Beck’s program.

The only way to repel this noxious tide of lies is dignity via checkbook - one more pulled sponsor and Beck will be running around the country screaming that Obama invented the orgasm and pizza and should be crowned King.

I always knew I liked this little guy.

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