Thursday, August 20, 2009

Tort Reform

Via Sully:
“If you were to eliminate medical malpractice liability, even forgetting the negative consequences that would have for safety, accountability, and responsiveness, maybe we’d be talking about 1.5 percent of health care costs. So we’re not talking about real money. It’s small relative to the out-of-control cost of health care.”

This seems not-really-thought-out to me. Yes, actual medical malpractice liability may only take up 1.5 percent of healthcare costs, but what about the "cover my own ass for fear of getting sued later on" costs? As in how many superfluous tests are run so as to be checked off in the fear of investigation later on? Wouldn't those add up to be a shitload?

1 comment:

Gina said...

Cherry... Ames... Fire!