Monday, September 28, 2009

Idle Thoughts

As tomorrow is GodIHateYourBand's birthday (yes ladies, THAT GodIHateYourBand), I will do his former band Idle's albums by the numbers:

Super Slices: Cathy Loves Elvis, Route 17, Paper Cut, Ethanol, Standing, Myself Alone
Slices: Render Me, Speed of Sound, World Behind Me
No: Traverse, Sweet Lie, Cathy Sings, Drunk Song

one of my favorite album covers of all time. coupla epics.

Super Slices: Life in Rock, Please Be Quiet Please, Feel, Rob Says Jazz, Time Bomb, June, The List, Harbor, Light
Slices: I'm a Wreck, Alona
No: Girls on Mass Ave, Revenge is Karma, Ubermensch

favorite. coulda been like a greatest hits album with a few edits. fizzles out near the end.

Super Slices: Record Store Girl, Trouble Man
Slices: Ego Park, G Train, For Better, Free T-Shirt, Fallen Hero, Last Hurrah
No: Vodka Swing, Twisted, Automatic, My Car

least fave GIHYB album of all time. some cool sounds and guitar work, but weak song-wise. also made the stunning shitty decision to leave off their all-time best song, Concessions. crappy opener.

Happy Almost Birfday, GIHYB!!  :)

1 comment:

The Gnat said...

Agreed. IMHO Concessions was the best thing GIHYB did with Idle. It's a shame - fame was so close.