Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Sniffin' Palin

In a stunning turn of events, Sarah Palin has come out against Obama's plan for healthcare, coming up with such fresh ideas as "government = disaster" and unearthing a quote from Ronald Reagan about Medicare he recorded 45 years ago, of which only about 96.8% of all humans on Earth have heard in the last month.


You know, one thing Sarah Palin does have going for her is that at one point she really was the governor of a state. It's hard to believe, but it happened. Isn't that what we kept hearing during the election, that she had "executive experience"? Keeping an eye on Russia, cleverly being a state loaded with oil etc etc? And yet not once does she even come close to mentioning anything she did, or thought about doing, for healthcare while she presided over Alaska. It's like she's erased that block of time from her brain and, instead of coming at this from an angle wherein she might at least PRETEND to have something to say with any level of expertise that millions of us are not privy to, has simply chosen to regurgitate GOP Obstructionism 101 over and over (though kudos to her for having the chutzpah to re-introduce "death panels;" politically swinging for the fence s with that term like Newt Gingrich is by clinging to her), simultaneously negating her possibly useful singularity while diluting and numbing down the very points she is pretending to make.

Of course, I guess it doesn't matter; anything she wants to say will be shot straight ahead to the front of the line, past any serious conservatives with any real thoughts, because idiots have allowed her to become their mouthpiece. This would be like the DNC canceling Obama's speech tonight and reading XMASTIME instead. Sexy? Yes. The best mind of our generation? No.

Would still bang her, though.

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