Thursday, October 01, 2009

I'm a Shock Trooper in a Stupor Yes I Am

One of the funnier things about people losing their minds at the mere thought of bringing Guantonimo Bay prisoners into maximum-security prisons on US soil is that before World War II was even over, America had started the process of pretty much placing the hands of our rocket and missile development programs in the hands of Wehrner von Braun and over 100 of his fellow Nazi engineers. I would think someone with that technology and money at his disposal, along with his being, you know, a Nazi, would be a lot more alarming that someone who has shown on videotape how awesome he is on the monkey bars. And, even funnier, they spent their time in Texas and Alabama, those reddest of red states.

The announcement to the public that this was being done came on October 1, 1945. I can find no record of public outbreak. I wonder what will happen the day some of the Gitmo prisoners are moved to American soil? Maximum hysteria, or maximum hysteria times infinity, with some  NEXT WE'LL BE ARMED buttons?

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