Saturday, October 10, 2009


Some guy via Sully ponders why movie ticket prices are the same no matter how much the movie itself cost to make.
There is no price advantage to the consumer for choosing to see a less expensive film.  This naturally makes it terribly difficult for smaller films to find an audience.  I find this quite fascinating and I can't readily think of another industry like it.
Another writer in response wonders if theaters should follow the business models of things like airlines:
Like airlines or hotels, theatres could use variable prices to price discriminate, charging more to patrons who book early to make sure they get a seat and less to latecomers who might only be swayed by a cut-rate ticket price.
I'd suggest people stop making shitty movies. Nobody gives a shit how much a movie costs to make. Whether a movie was made for $100 or $100M, if I thought it was a great movie I never questioned if the $12 ticket was worth it or not. And the same is true if the movie sucks - I never think well, that movie sucked but it was worth it cause I only paid $4 for it. And my liking or disliking the movie, therein establishing it's value to myself, may influence whether or not I decide to pay to see another movie.

On a side note, nobody outside of Hollywood gives a shit about how much the movie makes either, so stop fucking bombarding us with that shit every fucking day too.
6) Speaking of movies, do I constantly need to be barraged with articles about how good or bad the movie business is doing? Every day, all I see in the papers are charts with how much $$$$ each movie is making. Unless my name is Steven Speilburg, why do I give a fuck? When did this start happening, when did we start demanding to know how much each movie was raking in? But even better than that is how every other fucking week we gotta read through some sob story where the movie industry wants us to feel bad cause they’re not making as much money during this quarter, please please run out and spend all your money at the movies!!! Cause even though I’m returning all my Krasdale Coconut Grape Drink aluminum cans to Key Food for a nickel so I can buy a pound of “ground meat” for 99 cents, how can I live with myself if Jeffrey Katzenberg doesn’t make enough scratch this week to buy Trinidad AND Tobago????? Fuckwads. Save these fucking reports for the 6 people in Hollywood whom it affects, and in the meantime maybe, hell, just for shits and giggles, actually try to make a fresh, new movie that doesn’t COMPLETELY fucking suck. If I’m dropping $10 for a ticket, $6 for a tub of popcorn where 6 pieces on top are drenched with a pound of butter leaving the other 4 lbs completely dry/tasteless, and $5.50 for a soda, how about a real movie and not yet another shitty remake of an already shitty movie or an “update” of another cartoon/comic book character etc. Fucking a.
On a side note to the side note, my riff in that post about fancy restaurants (#7) is one of my all-time faves. God, I was funny in '06. Sigh.

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