Monday, October 05, 2009

Strange but True

I have noticed that the Yankees haven't won a World Series with a Republican in the White House since Ike (when they won a LOT of rings.) And you hafta go back to LBJ's first World Series in 1964 to find one the Yankees played in and LOST with a Democrat in the White House. Which is pretty weird.

Their World Series record with a Democrat in the White House since Ike left office: 8-2
With a Republican in the White House: 0-4

I mean, I don't wanna blame Bush for this, but the Yankees DID have a nice little juggernaut dynasty steamrolling over the league until he got in office and fucked everything up in the 2001 Series (see Nine Innings from Ground Zero on HBO OnDemand if you haven't already!!!) 

And now with a Democrat back in the White House...

side note: with 6 NCAA titles between them, Bobby Knight and Coach K have never won one with a Democrat in the White House.

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