Sunday, November 08, 2009

Jon Bon Jovi

While I've always thought his music to be pretty stupid, I've always like Bon Jovi the guy; he's always great on talk shows et al and seems like a really nice, down to earth guy. So I felt really bad for him while watching the Showtime doc in a scene with him showing how very aware he is that his fans expect him to be the "Arnold Schwartzenegger" of music and nothing deeper; particularly heartbreaking is him talking about how reverent and emotional the crowd is when he covers Leonard Cohen's  Hallelujah, but when he plays an album track of his own in that same deep, earnest vein there is only polite smattering of applause as they wait for Living on a Prayer. Telling this to the interviewer seemed to pain him physically, and him being both aware of this as well as candid about it is a very touching moment. He's grudgingly accepted it, but he doesn't revel in it and make it his coolness schtick like, say, Gene Simmons. I still can't listen to the music, but it does make me root for him even harder to somehow get where he wants to be in his tying in the connection to his audience with his desire to be taken more seriously.


mamalizza said...

mamalizza luke's this.

Xmastime said...


i hope that was intentional!! :)

Kiko Jones said...

I'm sorry, but this guy was not worrying about being taken seriously while raking in millions with bullshit tunes during his hair-farmer years, so why should I care now? Because, as he's pushing 50, he's possibly discovered he does not want to be remembered as a musical lightweight? Tough titties. Plenty of artists miss out on fame and fortune in order to maintain a level of respect for their art. Jon Bon Jovi got loads of cash and pussy instead. He needs to deal with it and not begrudgingly. (Or maybe he's jealous of U2, who managed to get the respect, the loot, and plenty of tail. But JBJ was too busy appealing to the mooks, so...)