Sunday, December 13, 2009


Political grandstanding and willful, determined ignorance has global consequences: 
Yesterday, Ian Fry, the Tuvalu delegate to the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark, made an impassioned plea for legally binding agreements to be made by world leaders to save his nation and other low-lying island states. The tiny Pacific island nation of Tuvalu and other small island states have proposed a new treaty to protect these nations. Fry noted that is is “an irony of the modern world that the fate of the world is being determined by some senators in the US Congress”:
It appears that we are waiting for some senators in the U.S. Congress to conclude before we can consider this issue properly. It is an irony of the modern world that the fate of the world is being determined by some senators in the U.S. Congress.

I'm sure it can be explained to me by someone who knows better that it's always been this way, but more and more these days it seems like our collective fate is held in the hands of a very small number of people in Congress. Again, again, and again.

UPDATE 9:35pm: heeeeeeeeeeeeeeey, whaddya know. Shocker.

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