Friday, December 04, 2009

Words of Love

Obviously I've been in a huge Beatles mood lately, and tonight I started taking a turn towards a Buddy Holly run tonight after the news about Bob Keane finally reaching me (you know, on the deserted island of Brooklyn.)

I was abut to combine the two with posting a video of The Beatles doing Words of Love on Beatles for Sale, which I would like to nominate for "Most Creepily, Eerily Close to Original Version of a Cover by an Amazing Band of a Song by a Guy Whom Had He Lived Would Have Joined Forces with Them and Stopped the World (to...melt with you?)" song. I mean really, their version is beyond spooky, Buddy from the grave on Abbey Road.  But then in looking for a video to post I came upon THIS video, which is apparently Paul in a barn from who knows when. But hits the fucking chord, right in the throat. Awesome.

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