Thursday, January 14, 2010

Curt Schilling is Awesome

Man, I fucking hate Curt Schilling. But, like I pointed out with his beyond-stupid Ann Coulter post HERE, so do his own readers whenever he delves into yet another "Obama has killed the country, we need Bush/McCain in charge!!" post like THIS ONE.

My five favorite comments from among the about 95% who shredded him on this one:
Damn…I had thought I deleted you off my feed reader. Let’s give it a try again, shall we?

Schill — No one cares about your company. The fact that you’re paying 100-500 employees salaries over $75,000 for a start-up company is proof enough that you will fail. Isn’t this a company for people who play video games? Simple-minded people like you who pretend they’re 12?

on the off chance that you actually read the comments after writing your screeds, Curt, I just wanted to compliment you for not weighing in on the Mark McGwire news. When you consider your own sorry-butt testimony in 2005, when “the stand-up Curt Schilling” took a big time walk out the door, you have no credibility on this issue. I suspect you realize this — thus the silence. So, thanks for not wasting our time with your worthless opinion. (eds: ba-ZING!!)

Hmm, there’s an election coming up. How should I vote? Who can I turn to for advice? Oh, thank goodness, here’s someone who used to throw a baseball really fast.

Curt you are a joke. Your logic is so poorly thought out it makes me laugh. Please start campaigning for Scott Brown, then smart people will instantly realize he is NOT the man for the job. You are a moron.

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