Thursday, January 21, 2010

Fucking Microwave Popcorn Make a Bloaggah Wanna Hollah

Orville Redenbacher's Natural Popcorn
Serving size: 2 tbsp (35 g) unpopped (makes about 4.5 cups popped)
Servings per bag: 2.5
Calories per serving:
2 tbsp unpopped: 170
1 cup popped: 30

I'm still unsure as to why microwave popcorn is so determined to be as confusing as possible with it's calorie info. I mean, one bag is one bag; it is it's own entity. Just list the fucking calorie number already!!!!  Nobody is fucking opening the bag up and only popping a select group of kernels, or eating the kernels unpopped, but for some reason they give us "unpopped" info. And you either cook it and then eat it yourself, or you split it with a friend; if you're cooking up a batch and take out a handful and oput the rest away "for later," you're probably a fucking rail to begin with and don't need the info. What the fuck. Fuuuuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also: nothing but popcorn and coffee from here on out. Cause fuck 'em, that's why.

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