Thursday, April 22, 2010

One Nice Thing I Can Say About the "President"

The patriots in the video below who are bravely keeping the pocket Constitution industry afloat are dead right about what's wrong about President Obama. I'm sorry, but if you are a socialist who is pushing like crazy to have a tyrannical hold over America and keep my liberties in balls and chains, that is NOT cool with me. Period. It is NOT awesome for America to have a Communist Community Organizing Muslim in the White House. Does anybody even remember how he got in there in the first lace? What the fuck?

But the freedom-loving patriot at the 2:43 mark in the video actually hits upon something that IS good about Obama: that he's planning to ban fishing in America. This is the first time I've heard of this particular legislation, but then I can only listen to 110-115 hours of Mark Levin every week, so as an obviously better American than myself she must've caught something I had missed.

But that's awesome - I HATE fish. It fucking stinks, it's disgusting, and people are constantly trying to get you to eat it. Now obviously, I'd prefer a person who is actually a citizen of the United States and doesn't hope Iran nukes it off the face of the planet was in the White House, cause I fucking heart freedom. But in the meantime if this guy can keep fish out of kitchens and leave them in the ocean where they belong, I can't say I'm gonna break out my INSTANT HITLER 'STACHE ON THE HEATH LEDGER CHARACTER FROM BATMAN CARDBOARD POSTER KIT over it.


Nerdhappy said...

dude, after the fishing thing, is that a former SNL cast member?

Xmastime said...

the at her peak was a smidge away from somehow being wierdly sexy but never really pulled it off Victoria Jackson.