Friday, April 09, 2010

Setting Up Sniff-a-licious

Obama responds to Palin's trashing of his nuke policy:
"I really have no response," the president said tersely in an interview on ABC's Good Morning America. "Because last I checked, Sarah Palin's not much of an expert on nuclear issues."
Gee. I wonder what Sniffy-Wiffy will screech about on her Facebook page next. I mean, I would GUESS she's gleefully crafting some "well, look at the Harvard elitist who thinks 'real' Americans don't know anything!" screed, but then, I am not a mind-reader. Maybe she'll write about apples, or why the Eagles would not only put McNabb in their own division but in the hands of Mike Shanahan. Or maybe the rings in a bathtub, who the hell knows with that one. I mean, who knows with Sniffy? She's a riddle, wrapped in an enigma and basting in the sweet, sweet juices of her own flower.

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