Friday, April 30, 2010

Wow. Even for Me, Wow.

Besides waking up next to strange chicks, the coolest thing about blacking out drunk is waking up to discover that the night before you had not only "recorded" a "cover" of a song you're currently in love with, but had been thoughtful enough to email the mp3 to the band, thus ensuring complete strangers hear it and think "wow, this dude's a fucking freak."  Yes!

Like any normal person, when I heard this earlier today I was horrified and immediately went to throw it away so that nobody ever, ever hears it, including myself.

But then I stumbled upon this little gem, which I guess I recorded at the same time. Just like OK Go song I don't remember recording it, but, just to kick things up a notch, I don't even remember writing it either. Actually, judging from my performance I in fact HAVEN'T "written" it yet. And, apparently, I wanna have sex with teenagers. Great. I am for some reason reminded of Peter Buck's liner notes from Dead Letter Office, in which for some song he writes "Sometimes you write a song without even trying to. Sometimes those songs are the very best ones. That's not quite the case with this one."

So with my night being upgraded from "fail" to "oh my fucking god fail", I feel it is staying within the spirit of Xmastime to offer them to you, reminding you that if nothing else, remember, please, that no matter how bad shit gets in your life on any given day, it could be worse: you could be me.

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