Friday, May 28, 2010

Newest Xmastime Series: I Really Wanna Fucking Punch This Little Shit.

This is Puppy, who apparently is "missing." And by "missing" I mean "hopefully presently getting his ass kicked." I really hate this fucking asshole. I haven't gotten laid since fucking LBJ was in office, and I gotta look at this little shit laying on top of some titties? Fuck you, dog. And that smarmy fucking look, are you kidding me? Fuck this little fucking shit. I didn't even know dogs could smile, and this asshole is giving me the ol' "Guess where my Kibble is?" look. Hey, congratulations assshole, you're cooler than me. Oh let me guess - she picks up your shit too? Fuck you. Oh, you have the most ironic name for a puppy ever, congratulations, you're a fucking hipster douchebag who goes around sniffing asses all day. Fuck you. You can sniff MY ass, you dirty fucking animal. You can lick your own balls, and you still get a woman ahead of me? Who the fuck do you think you are? Fucking asshole.  I really wanna fucking punch this little shit.

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