Sunday, May 30, 2010

Scary Shit

It's good to see the Cleveland pitcher's not only alive but in good spirits after yesterday's scary incident in which A-Rod crushed a ball into his head.
Alex Rodriguez wasn't available to the media following Saturday's game because he attempted to visit Indians pitcher David Huff in the hospital. But A-Rod, whose third-inning line drive drilled Huff on the side of the head, said the two chatted for about 10 minutes on the phone Saturday night instead. 
"We spoke for five or 10 minutes and he's just a really nice guy and he thought the results were good and we'll wait and see." Asked what the scariest part of the incident was, Rodriguez added: "The kid laid there, David laid there, for what seemed like 30 minutes, even though it was really like three or four minutes. That made it more scary. The one thing is there are 55,000 people here and only one person knows how hard you hit a guy. A lot of times you hit it back up the box and you hit it off the end  or get jammed a little, but that one was really flush."

NYDN colleague Christian Red reports that Huff was in good spirits before the game in the Cleveland dugout. Huff said he feels better and slept well, but he's unsure if he will make his next start.

A-Rod also said that Huff joked with him, "I was going to come find you in batting practice (Sunday) and ask you if that's your best shot, is that all you got? My answer would've been yeah, that's all I got."
Before the game today A-Rods also told Michael Kay that it was so scary because that's the hardest he's ever hit a ball. I've seen A-Rod hit the wall in left field so hard he only gets a single because it gets out there so fast and caroms all the way back to the left fielder, so that IS scary.

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