Thursday, July 29, 2010

Hey, This is Pretty Cool

Looks like 500,000 municipal jobs are on the chopping block, and they might not be saved due to, say it with me:
The report called on Congress to pass the Local Jobs for America Act, which would provide $75 billion in federal funds over two years to city and county governments and community-based organizations to save and create jobs...But the bill's fate is uncertain as mounting concerns over the national deficit hinder the passage of new stimulus measures.
Ah yes, the "deficit concerns," 2010's own answer to "boys kissing boys will make your son rape the family dog." Abortion must be miffed it's been put in the corner for now.

But Republicans across the land must be thrilled about this, because as you know it's not as if 500,000 people are going to be added to the already extraordinarily large unemployment rolls, lose their livelihoods, and therein won't be able to spend any money in the very same communities with small businesses these GOP members pretend to champion since of course government on any level bigger than the Junior Women's Club is not made up of real people that you may know and live amongst but are instead a faceless, nameless phantasm of evil, socialist energy that will merely be forced into some backroom to shake it's fists at the sky "damn you, freedom, you've beaten me THIS time!!!" and rub it's hands with glee at the prospect of coming back again and trying to destroy America as if in some Spy vs. Spy cartoon or Jerry muttering "Newman!!" through clenched teeth. Well done, indeed.

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