Friday, August 20, 2010

Polling Stupid People Can Be Fun

To me, people thinking Obama is a Muslim is kind of boring. I've always been of the belief that there’s a small percentage of people out there who will believe anything, so I’d prefer a poll that asked if people believed any of these things listed below, so that any significant percentage of “yes” answers would be way more entertaining.

1) Obama is made out of roast beef
2) Obama killed JFK
3) And Andrew Jackson
4) Obama was in JAWS, actually ate the Kittner boy
5) Obama was kicked off the cast of The Jersey Shore ("drank too much; wanted to destroy the Constitution too much")
6) Obama is writing the long-overdue sequel to Boomerang, presumably because he hates white people
7) Obama called the Holocaust was merely Jesus' way of saying “get these motherfucking snakes off this motherfucking plane!”
8) Franklin in Peanuts is based on Obama as a kid
9) And Pigpen
10) Obama is actually John Boehner

1 comment:

Marley said...

Obama is made out of cotton candy (but he's too proud to pick at himself - get it?)