Thursday, November 04, 2010


You know what, Sarah Palin might actually become president in 2012, since between now and then the people that can't stand her will probably fucking kill themselves.

Take her Twitter fuckup today -  she "favorited" some Ann Coulter thing that linked to the picture to the right.

And of course, she can't be happy merely showing contrition and saying "hey, it was an honest fuckup, sorry." No, of course she has to turn it around that the real fault lies with the "lamestream media."
“Jake, I've never purposefully ‘favorited’ any Tweet. I had to go back to my BlackBerry to even see if such a function was possible. I was traveling to Alaska that was an obvious accidental ‘favoriting,’ but no one can mistake that Ann Coulter was obviously being tongue in cheek with that Tweet. Shall I correct this with whichever wonderful media outlet ran with this (an obviously bored reporter...since there must be nothing going on in the world today, like, um, ramifications of a shake up of power in the U.S. House of Representatives?).”
Sigh. Seriously, her REAL genius might be LITERALLY eliminating her opposition, cause after reading this I feel like jumping off the goddam bridge while pulling my fucking hair out.

Having to hear about Sarah Palin every day is like being locked in a room with a bunch of 2 year-old kids all day. Eventually you're either gonna snap, or simply disappear, shaking and trembling from exhaustion and frustration.

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