Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Airports - Too Sexy?

This whole new airport security system that includes looking at your naked body and patting down your balls is going to be an interesting case study for what people are willing to do in the whole "freedom in exchange for security" game.

People who fly are generally a white-collar crowd. A little whiter/wealthier than, say, my Chicken Bus brethren. And one thing we've learned about these people is that while they don't mind taking away the civil liberties of those they view as beneath themselves, or people they never come in contact with so who gives a shit anyways, they don't appreciate the same standards being applied to THEM.  So I have a feeling one too many Wall Street suits is gonna get a happy ending by an airport security official, and one outraged phone call to his buddy the Senator threatening to stop sending in the benjamin$ will mean the end of the whole new approach.

But hey, I was furious when the Cowboys traded Herschel, so what the fuck do I know?

WHAT do I know, you ask? Well, I know that this is another excuse to post THE GREATEST SCENE IN A MOVIE OF ALL TIME!   :)

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