Thursday, November 04, 2010


Giving the House back to the GOP wasn't the only big news on Tuesday; apparently it was also the day McDonald's put the McRib back on the menu. For reasons someone is going to hafta explain to me, people are going apeshit over the McRib, and everywhere you go online everyone's all a flutter about it.

I can't help but note the coincidence of these two events. Much like everyone being excited about the Republicans getting the keys to the Kingdom back, everyone's running around shouting "The McRib is back! The McRib is back!!" And, much like the elction, I think as soon as somebody actually EATS  a McRib they'll be reminded "ooooooh, right, now I remember...this is fucking terrible. What the fuck was I thinking?"

Oh well. Hey, find your closest McRib HERE.

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