Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Shuttle Runs

I can't imagine it comparing to the Apollo program of the 1960's, but the space shuttle program was MY space program; I can still remember holding off going outside to wait for the bus (which was probably still about 45 minutes away) as the final countdown for the first one was going on. Then, I think, it stopped with 39 seconds left. Though that might be apocryphal on my part. Then I remember Jane Pauley saying Joe Louis had just died, so I wrote out the barber shop scenes for Coming to America while I waited. I was at the perfect age for that launch, 4th grade, and I wrote a letter to NASA to the captain. Never heard back (won't Facebook him - I am too proud.) Twas the year I wrote to NASA and got back a buncha shit about Mars.

Anyways, Discovery is launching for the last time tomorrow and if you wanna watch it here's where to fucking stuff your fat face.

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