Monday, November 29, 2010

Wiki Wiki Wiki (Shut Up!)

This morning on tv (cough) I was asked my thoughts on Wikileaks, and my answer was that when Bill Kristol is the voice of reason, we're in deep shit.

Anybody for whom anything in these things has any real importance already knows this shit. But of course the media's gotta wind us up like schoolgirls when a mouse walks into the room, so Average Citizen Joe is supposed to be furiously combing through the pages of the docs and formulating strategies for any and all doomsday scenarios these things could bring. Well, until the next Wikileaks dump, of course.

Anybody remember the last one? Of course not. And you won't remember shit that's in this one the second "Wikileaks Docs!! Panic!!" gets replaced in the headlines by "We can see Paris' pussy getting out of a limo!!!"

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