Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Question, II

Team Sully HERE asks "What book, album, film or magazine article has made the biggest impact on your life or how you see the world? Why?"

I answered book HERE.

As for album, I'm torn betwen two.

The Replacements' Tim is an album that to this day makes me feel like maybe there's people like me everywhere. Somehow, someway, I missed something, and am relegated to a life of being a loser, dying somewhere in obscurity.  Anti-heroism is great when you're 16, but two decades later it's an isolating motherfucker. It's not funny anymore. And Tim grows along with me every year.

But I must also suggest Sgt. Pepper. It is the single greatest example of the idea that if you give the public amazing art, not dumbed down shit, they will lap it up with a spoon. To me, Sgt. Pepper is the Golden Mean of popular culture. The highest art, accepted by the masses. The Greeks came up with the concept of The Golden Mean, and hell, they came up with butt-fucking, so I say let's give them a listen, alright?

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