Thursday, December 02, 2010


The whole "Obama and the Democrats are being punished for sucking!" thing is getting a bit tiring.

Voters in 2008 voted to the tune of 63 million for a change from the total disaster that was going on at the time. Then Obama took office, and the GOP used obstructionism and bizarre Senate tactics to clog up the works so that nothing could get done. So now the voters, after only 2 years, flocked to the polls to vote for a reversion back to 2008.

Blame Obama et al all you want. But voters were certainly free to go back to the polls last month and double down: "no no, we REALLY want a change!" therein reconfirming what they had asked for in 2008 and giving Obama and Co. more of an actual mandate to work with. INSIST on getting what they had previously asked for.

But of course they didn't, and now we get what we've asked for. How many people who had their unemployment benefits cut off the other day stormed to the polls a month ago to "get back!" at Obama? How many people who are very capable of understanding the failure of supply side economics over the last decade pulled the lever demanding that the uber-wealthy getting more tax cuts is the #1 priority of the country right now? And on and on. And so here we are, with a very giddy group of people back in charge of things in DC happy to use the very stall tactics they've so effectively utilized as a reason to tell us to go fuck ourselves since only the billionaires are what's important. Why? Because we asked for it.

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