Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Sunnyside, Sunnyside, Sunnysi-i-i-i-i-i-ide!

I don't know if I've posted the story before, but not only is this an MP3 of me telling my aunts about the time I got busted sneaking out to meet my new girlfriend behind Sunnyside Country Store while being perpetually grounded thanks to having a negative GPA my junior year of high school, but here's a picture of that very Sunnyside. A bit long, but worth sitting through just to hear my Aunt Pat say the words "Bob" and "lawnmower," each with 7 syllables. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Tracy D. Smith said...

That is funny! Gotta love your older sibling. My sister did some things just like that to me. Memories! Love them!