Thursday, January 20, 2011

Bon L'(h)iver

I've been trying to make it all the way through January without a drop of booze, and I've come close. I was fine until this past Sunday, when the combination of boredom/incredible gout pain/realization that January is the longest fucking month/I'm a fucking loser shithead finally made me crack. And of course that meant I spent the next day feeling depressed and sorry for myself, so I stayed cracked.

But I quickly righted the ship, and while the month won't be unblemished, I'll be somewhat pleased with myself if I can finish the month it a 29-2 record. Apparently I'm not the only one; now I see THIS ARTICLE about some other people doing a "Dryuary."

First of all, the guy is married - I think if I had a wife or girlfriend it'd be a lot easier for me, as I'd have someone to yap with all the time. But I don't, so. That makes it harder, but it's not like I'm stuck in the middle of a corn field somewhere either.

Secondly, like the woman, overall I do feel much better. And no hangovers = eating better, which is obviously good. Mostly, it seems that I'm very capable of spending my evenings doing something other than getting shizzled, without any real aggravation.  It turns out I'm not really missing out on anything worth doing or remembering anyway.  It's not like I'm missing the gang at Studio 54 or some shit.  Of course it's helps to remember that it's not like I'm quitting forever; after January, I have plenty of months to drink whatever I want if I so choose.

And of course, after two weeks of constant fucking pain from the gout while I WASN'T drinking (and eating red meat only once, now that I think of it), the gout has not returned since I drank my face off Sunday night. What the fuck is up with that? Fuuuuuck.  Of course, the same thing happened last year. Nothing makes any sense, apparently.

1 comment:

Nerdhappy said...

29-2 is beyond Cy Young. That's Hall of Fame right there. I'm rooting for ya!