Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Joe Biden Has Been a Disappointing Vice President

I mean, what the fuck - didn't we all expect at least one big Joe gaffe a week when we voted for him? When was the last time you even heard Joe Biden's fucking name, much less saw him on tv saying something stupid? Wtf? The last thing I can remember is him telling the guy in the wheelchair to stand up, but hell, was that even after he became vp? What the fuck is going on? Did Obama chain him to the goddam Lincoln bedroom radiator?

Biden has been very disappointing. I was expecting a weekly eyeroll/facepalm from Obama as he stood behind Biden saying something bananas, and yet here we are.

Oh, oh he waiting to pull ONE gigantic gaffe of gaffes - is Biden waiting to do a Kayne West/Taylor Swift thingee?!   "Mr. Speaker, Imma let you finish, but I thought House Bill 730.b was the best bill of the year...."

Disappointing. Biden had been way too quiet. And that makes me sad  :(

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