Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Yglesias continues with what I said a coupla days ago: the SOTU speech is generally pretty useless.
Why even do it? How cool would it be for Obama to say "fuck it, ain't doing it this year"? Or, instead of a speech, merely recite a Bill Cosby routine? Or tell high school sports stories? I mean, camon. anything would be more entertaining and more meaningful. We're all gonna start watching, then try to stay awake, then begin to get irked he's cutting into whatever show we'd usually be watching. Then jerkoffs like Charles Krauthammer will smugly remark that what he's learned from the speech is that Obama "knows how to deliver a speech," and everyone else on FOX News will remind us that they're not too crazy about black people by coming up with a dozen different ways of saying his speech was all style, no substance. You know, cause Bush's speeches were always Newtonian in both their tone and ponderance of logistics. For fuck's sake - Obama should walk up to the mic, look around the room, and then finally say "As for the SATs, remember - it's almost never letter E. Good luck!" and walk out.

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