Wednesday, February 23, 2011

2011: The Year of Spector

With his catalog being reissued and a movie starring Al Pacino as him, it looks like 2011 is setting up to be the year of Phil Spector!!!
He could do it all. The song and the recording existed in his brain. Phil’s records were made in his head before he even entered the recording studio. When Phil went into the studio, it came out of him, like Minerva coming out of Jupiter’s head. Every instrument had its role to play, and it was all prefigured. The singer was just one tile in this intaglio.
Obviously, Xmastime likes this.

As a producer, there is Phil Spector, and nobody else.  George Martin  was great and is the fifth Beatle, but it's not like anybody hears a non-Beratles song he produced and thinks "ohmygod, that's George Martin!"  Meanwhile, Phil Spector could record a song with whoever's starting for Duke this year, and you'd recognize instantly "holy shit, that's Phil Spector!"

"I want the armoire here....aaaaaaaand the couch there...."

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