Friday, February 25, 2011

It' Nature's Way

As Yglesias pointed out yesterday via the linked article, "Everyone hoping to make money selling economic analysis thinks stimulus works and austerity sucks." But that's only if you wanna do silly things like grow the economy and lower unemployment; of course if you're looking to win an election nowadays, you hafta scare people into demanding you be "tough on cutting the budget!!!!" with wildly ineffective spending cuts.

Which leads to things like children dying in fires. Now, obviously, government spending isn't going to render children dying obsolete, so I feel like siding on the austerity side here by pointing out that for all we know, one of these kids could've grown up to be Hitler. At the very least, maybe a fucking douchebag - or, worst of all, an Eagles fan. Hey, you never know, that's the point. The point is, we saved a coupla bucks, and those are two more future jerkoffs that won't be able to scam Uncle Sam by lounging around on the couch giddily clasping their hands collecting unemployment ad nauseum.  Win win!

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