Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Xmastime's Dreiser Contest

I love Sister Carrie.

....but I REALLY love An American Tragedy.

To me, An American Tragedy unlocks the door to realism.  Sister Carrie played the game by the numbers, but wasn't very interesting until the final 100 pages.  An American Tragedy, from page 1, I was into Clyde getting his piece of the pie, I was rooting for his upward rise...I knew he'd have a downfall, but I still soaked it up. And his final days are fucking haunting.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Couldn't either of these make a spectacular 6 episode mini-series on TV today? I know people get all floppy-dicked about things that don't end happily, but a good tear-jerker hasn't come around in awhile. And Dreiser would fuck people up if done right. Get on it HBO fucks.