Tuesday, April 12, 2011


...loves them some South:
In the CNN/Opinion Research Corporation Poll released Tuesday, roughly one in four Americans said they sympathize more with the Confederacy than the Union, a figure that rises to nearly four in ten among white Southerners.

When asked the reason behind the Civil War, whether it was fought over slavery or states' rights, 52 percent of all Americas said the leaders of the Confederacy seceded to keep slavery legal in their state, but a sizeable 42 percent minority said slavery was not the main reason why those states seceded.
I've always enjoyed the "it had nothing to do with slavery, it was about state's rights!" argument.  Always neglecting, of course, that one of those rights was the right to own slaves.  Ta-da!

But honestly, has there ever been a team so enamored with it's losing cause than The South?  For such a genteel, polite people, they still will not go gently into the night over this one, will they?  I mean, his senior year Brothatime!! captained a football team that went 0-10 and a basketball team that went 0-21, and rarely have I ever walked into his house to found him watching game film in his uniform, proudly declaring "the 1988-89 Essex Trojans will rise again!"  Christ, relax, let it go already.  Do you see me bragging about whenever a young lady has refused to come with me because I was, and I quote, "revolting in every way possible"?  No!  So lighten up, Francis.

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